Amanda is the owner of a 26-foot tiny home. She does not have a TV and instead uses a projector for entertainment. Amanda has mementos from her travels to Ecuador, Cambodia, and Malaysia on display in her tiny home. She enjoys participating in activities such as climbing, hiking, backpacking, and art, and the lifestyle she leads in her tiny home allows her to travel more and pursue these passions.

The living room in Amanda's tiny home includes a coffee table that can also be used as a dinner table and has storage space. There is an Ikea couch that has storage space underneath and can be pulled out into a full futon bed for guests. In the back of the living room, there is a small area for decorations and books. Amanda also has a projector for watching movies or TV shows. Amanda uses a ladder made by her aunt and uncle to access the two lofts in her tiny home.

The smaller loft is used for storing her hobby gear, such as backpacking equipment and climbing gear, and also has plants to add a touch of life to the space. The larger loft serves as Amanda's bedroom and has a full-size bed and a skylight above it. The skylight allows Amanda to sit up in bed without hitting her head and stargaze at night. It also gives her access to the roof where she can relax and watch the sunset.
On the other side of the bed, there is a dresser system and hanging storage for Amanda's clothes. Amanda chose to build a tiny home for several reasons, including affordability and a desire to live a more minimalistic lifestyle. The build process took about two years and was mainly completed by Amanda with some help from friends and family.
Overall, Amanda has enjoyed the freedom and flexibility that living in a tiny home has given her and the opportunity to incorporate plants into her home decor and use storage solutions creatively to make the most of the limited space.