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Spectacular Off-Grid Tiny House with geodesic dome greenhouses growing organic food.

Writer's picture: AlinoAlino

This is the ultimate tiny house off grid paradise. Situated on 380 acres of spectacular lake-front property with private hot-springs and abundant wildlife, the land will eventually be home to a fully functioning off-the-grid, solar powered community of tiny homes which will be placed amongst a network of geodesic dome greenhouses growing organic food.

Everything about this build screams quality, from the design right the way through to the expert craftsmanship. At almost 40 feet (12 meters) in length, this home which sits on a gooseneck trailer is definitely on the larger side of what’s considered a tiny house and is filled with clever design elements and features which put this project in a class all of it’s own.

Stepping inside, the tiny house on wheels resembles a modern homestead which has absolutely all the features you could possibly hope for in a home, including a fireplace, oven, large fridge, and even a washer-dryer.

Everything on the property including the tiny house is solar powered. An impressive array of solar panels sits amongst the greenery outside the home and a second array is situated on top of a shipping container.

The greenhouse domes are capable of growing a wide variety of produce, which is currently supplying many local restaurants and markets. The area has a high demand for local, organically grown food which means the domes are capable of providing a steady income through Kathleen’s business, Dome Grown Organics.


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